Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Attending PERDA course on how to further improve homestay business at Swiss Inn, Sg Petani (8-9 Dec 2012)

Listening the workshop talk by the experts. As seen here En Rohaizat, the Penang homestay association head.
Homestay Kota Aur  group won the second best award in bedding competition among the 140 workshop participants.

Visit by Univerity Sains Malaysia at Homestay Kota Aur (23-25 Nov. 2011)

Celebrate the students arrival with the Malay kompang and bunga manggar at Homestay Kota Aur.

 Among the program for the visit is having a session how to plant the 'rice tree' at the real paddy field.

Visit to the peacock farm at Kota Aur homestay.

Students having the evening village walk at the homestay area.
 Enjoying fresh coconut drink at one of the homestay particpant coconut tree nearby.
 Homestay Coordinator, Puan Siti giving a briefing to the students.
 Scenary of the paddy field at the Homestay Kota Aur captured by the student.

Students also be able to visit several museums ie the wetland museum (above) located nearby the Kota Aur homestay.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Visit by Muslim Woman Travel Agent of Singapore to Kota Aur Homestay (27 of August 2012)

Bardah (reciting holy versus of Al-Quran) by the local female Bardah group; demo to the Singaporean visitors.

Member of the Singaoprean group visitor posing with the fruit of nipah.