Thursday, 22 November 2018

USM School of Arts -community service link at homestay Kota Aur 17/18 Nov 2018

Madrasah painting program with the students and the community.

Wall mural paint going on at the homestay center.

Traditional dance presented by homestay Kota Aur kids

Mural painting ongoing during the beautiful morning sun.

Well, duet with my adopted son on 60s Malay song..enjoy it..hah hah

Friday, 5 October 2018

Gotong royong/community team work cleaning up Kota Aur village field -also attended by Jean/Jeff of France- Sept 2018

Stay over a night at Terrapuri, Kg Mangkok, Terengganu>>>Sept 2018>>>Malay traditional architecture at highest level>

Received 1 guess for 15 days in September 2018 - Name Jean F. J. aka Jeff. Origin- Annecy France- travel the globe already 2 half years. MUST READ HIS LETTER WROTE FOR KOTA AUR HOMESTAY.

Kauta Aur :

 le 14 Septembre 2018-09-14 From Annecy France

Toi le voyageur en quête d’aventre,de decouvertes de nouveaux espaces, de paysages , et de populations . Pose ton sac à la Homestay “Kota Aur “, ne fait pas que passer car cette maison renferme un trésor qu’il te faut decouvrir . Une famille formidable, ici tu comprendras le mot hospitalité ,des gens d’une grande valeur toujours à ta disposition pour te servir ,te donner le meilleur d’eux mêmes . Un partage inégalable de gentillesse , une grande connaissance de leur région , Une soif immense de te faire partager ce magnifique style de vie . Ici il faut s’impregner des odeurs des couleurs des paysages . Cette escale est un pur moment de Bonheur , un ecrin d’emotions . Cette rencontre restera gravé dans mon Coeur Impossible de vous oublier et surtout un grand merci a toute votre formidable famille . Que dieu vous protége et continuez à faire rayonner votre formidable homestay .

Jean François JAUDIN Ps :
 5 étoiles chambre pafaite, petit dejeuner gourmand ,jardin trés joli Proprietaires adorables

 Note: 100 / 20

Jean-François JAUDIN <>
Fri 14/09/2018, 13:27

You the traveler in search of avenues, discoveries of new spaces, landscapes, and populations.
Put your bag at Homestay "Kota Aur", do not just pass because this house contains a treasure that you must discover.
A wonderful family, here you will understand the word hospitality, people of great value always at your disposal to serve you, to give you the best of themselves. An unequaled sharing of kindness, a great knowledge of their region,
A huge thirst for you to share this beautiful lifestyle.
Here you have to take in the smells of the colors of the landscapes.
This stopover is a pure moment of happiness, an ecrin of emotions.
Ps: 5 star room pafaite, gourmet breakfast, very nice garden Adorable owners
This meeting will remain etched in my heart
Impossible to forget you and especially a big thank you to all your wonderful family. May God protect you and continue to radiate your wonderful homestay.
Jean François JAUDIN
Rating: 100/20