Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Homestay Kota Aur members anual trip- Cameron Highland Pahang - March 2019

The Cameron Highlands is a district in Pahang, Malaysia occupying an area of 712.18 square kilometres. To the north, its boundary touches that of Kelantan; to the west, it shares part of its border with Perak.

Guests during 1-2 April 2019- From Chicago Illinois, San Diego California (originall from Mauritius! then to France then to USA), Ontario Canada (originally from France speaking part of Canada), and the UKs-a couple from Worchester, York and Manchester (big fan Man City!).

Bicycle ride around the village- pit stop by the Muda River.
Bicycle ride pit stop by the dried paddy field season. Middle background of Bukit Bendera/Hill of Penang island.